=========================================================================================== =======================Grave Bot===Commands and Variables===01/23/05===============b0.3==== =========================================================================================== Introduction Most of these commands should be pretty simple to figure out. These commands can only be used by the operator of the dedicated server or listen server. All commands on a dedicated server must be entered in this format: gravebot "command" So, for example, to add a bot of skill 3 and a name of Grave, we would do: gravebot "addbot 1 Grave" Whenever a name is needed in a command, the example commands use 'Grave' as the name. Also note that waypoint commands can only be performed on a listen server. =========================================================================================== (Format) HLDM: addbot skill name skin topcolor bottomcolor S&I: addbot skill team model name Function: Adds a bot into the game. Note: Replacing an argument with NULL will use the default for that argument. (Arguments) skill: [#1-5] The skill level of the bot, 1 through 5, with 1 being the best and 5 being the worst. If not specified, the value of 'botskill' will be used. name: [string] The player name of the bot. If not specified, a random name from grave_bot_names.txt will be chosen. skin: (HLDM) [string] The model name of the model to use, such as "gordon" or "scientist". If not specified, a random model from the core defaults will be chosen. topcolor: (HLDM) [#0-255] The hue, 0-255, of the top half of the selected model. If not specified, a random hue will be selected. bottomcolor: (HLDM) [#0-255]The hue, 0-255, of the bottom half of the selected model. If not specified, a random hue will be selected. team: (S&I) [#1-3] The team to attempt to join, AFD or MCL. 1 is MCL, 2 is AFD, 3 is random. If not specified, the bot will join the team with the least players. model: (S&I) [#1-3] The model on the selected team to pick (varies from AFD to MCL), 3 is random. If not specified, the bot will select a random model. (Example) addbot 1 Grave NULL 255 192 addbot 1 1 3 =========================================================================================== (Format) botcam botname Function: Moves the camera's focus to see through a bot's eyes. The player is still able to perform actions, but cannot see themselves! Unless, that is, the bot is looking at the player. The camera is a bit laggy, this command was created mostly for debugging purposes. Note: For listenservers only! (Arguments) botname: [string] The name of the bot for this camera to follow. If no name is specified, the camera will return back to the player. (Example) botcam Grave =========================================================================================== (Format) botinfo botname Function: Displays a boat load of information about a bot. This information includes skin, skill, health, armor, current waypoint, goal waypoint, item waypoint, goal item classname and coordinates, and the status of all weapons for the bot. (Arguments) botname: [string] The player name of the bot to display information about. (Example) botinfo Grave =========================================================================================== (Format) observer boolean Function: Turns on observer mode. When observer mode is on, bots will ignore real players. They will, however, continue to attack other bots and monsters. (Arguments) boolean: [#0-1] If 0, turns observer mode off, if greater than 0, turns observer mode on. If not specified, displays the status of observer mode. (Example) observer 1 =========================================================================================== (Format) botskill skill Function: Changes the default bot skill to use when creating a bot. (Arguments) skill: [#1-5] Modifies the default skill of bots created after the altercation. If not specified, displays the status of botskill. (Example) botskill 3 =========================================================================================== (Format) bot_chat_debug boolean Function: Turns on or off chat debug mode. In chat debug mode, bots will say what they're currently trying to do. (Arguments) boolean: [#0-1] If 0, turns chat debug mode off, if greater than 0, turns chat debug mode on. If not specified, displays the status of chat debug mode. (Example) observer 1 =========================================================================================== (Format) bot_speed skill multiplier Function: Modifies the maximum speed a particular skill of bot is able to move at. Normally all bots will try to move at whatever sv_maxspeed is set to. (Arguments) skill: [#1-5] The skill level to adjust the speed for multiplier: [#0-1] The multiplier against the speed of the specified skill. (Examples) bot_speed 5 0.75 bot_speed 2 0.9 =========================================================================================== (Format) botweapon weapon setting newvalue Function: Edits the weapon table information to allow customization of how bots use and handle weapons. (Arguments) weapon: [string] The classname of the weapon to be modified, such as weapon_crowbar or weapon_crossbow. setting: [string] The attribute to be modified, see list: priority: The priority of the weapon, starting at 0. The lower the number, the better the weapon. If two weapons have the same priority, the weapon with the internal higher priority (appears first in the weapon array) will be used. If a priority BELOW 0 is specified, bots will never use that weapon. skill: The minimum skill his bot must be to use this weapon. Remember, skills are 1 through 5, with 1 being the best. So, setting skill to 3 will prohibit bots of skill 4 and 5 from using the weapon. primary_min_distance: The minimum distance to use the primary attack for this weapon. If the bot is any closer, it will not use this weapon's primary attack. primary_max_distance: The maximum distance to use the primary attack for this weapon. If the bot is any further, it will not use this weapon's primary attack. secondary_min_distance: The minimum distance to use the secondary attack for this weapon. If the bot is any closer, it will not use this weapon's secondary attack. secondary_max_distance: The maximum distance to use the secondary attack for this weapon. If the bot is any further, it will not use this weapon's secondary attack. can_use_underwater: If set to 0, the bot will not use this weapon when underwater, otherwise the bot will attempt use this weapon if underwater. reload_delay: The number of seconds it takes to reload this weapon. 0 for weapons without a clip. primary_fire_percent: The number of times out of 100 to use the primary attack, as long as conditions allow (enough ammo, correct distances, etc). min_primary_ammo: Minimum amount of primary ammo used when performing a primary attack. min_secondary_ammo: Minimum amount of secondary ammo used when performing a secondary attack. primary_fire_hold: Boolean, 0 for no, 1 for yes. Should the bot hold down the attack button while using this weapon's primary attack? secondary_fire_hold: Boolean, 0 for no, 1 for yes. Should the bot hold down the attack button while using this weapon's secondary attack? primary_fire_charge: Boolean, 0 for no, 1 for yes. Should the bot hold down the attack button to charge the primary attack? secondary_fire_charge: Boolean, 0 for no, 1 for yes. Should the bot hold down the attack button to charge the secondary attack? primary_charge_delay: Number of seconds to charge the primary attack (only used if primary_fire_charge is 1). secondary_charge_delay: Number of seconds to charge the secondary attack (only used if secondary_fire_charge is 1). newvalue: [#] The new value of the attribute. (Example) botweapon weapon_shotgun skill 2 botweapon weapon_357 primary_max_distance 1024 =========================================================================================== (Format) bot_reaction_time multiplier Function: Multiplies the defined combat reaction minimum and maximum times for ALL skills by the provided argument. (Arguments) multiplier: [#>=0] Number to multiply all skill levels minimum and maximum reaction times by. (Example) bot_reaction_time 1.5 =========================================================================================== (Format) bot_reaction_time_min skill time Function: Set the minimum combat reaction time of the specified skill to the specified time. (Arguments) skill: [#1-5] Skill level to adjust the minimum combat reaction time to. time: [#>=0] Number of seconds to set the specified minimum combat reaction time to. (Example) bot_reaction_time_min 3 0.08 =========================================================================================== (Format) bot_reaction_time_max skill time Function: Set the maximum combat reaction time of the specified skill to the specified time. (Arguments) skill: [#1-5] Skill level to adjust the maximum combat reaction time to. time: [#>=0] Number of seconds to set the specified maximum combat reaction time to. (Example) bot_reaction_time_max 3 0.14 =========================================================================================== (Format) bot_random_color boolean Function: Turns on and off whether or not bots randomly select top and bottom hues for HLDM. (Arguments) boolean: [#0-1] If 0, turns off random hue selection for top and bottom. If 1, turns on random hue selection for top and bottom. (Example) bot_random_color 0 =========================================================================================== (Format) botdontshoot boolean Function: Turns on and off whether or not bots engage in combat. (Arguments) boolean: [#0-1] If 0, bots WILL engage in combat. If 1, bots WILL NOT engage in combat. (Example) botdontshoot 1 =========================================================================================== (Format) botrole botname Function: SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY ONLY! Displays information regarding bots, their team, their assigned role, and assigned subrole. (Arguments) botname: [string] Name of the bot to display role information about. If not specified, then all bots will be listed. (Example) botrole Grave botrole =========================================================================================== (Format) bot_si_defend team percent Function: SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY ONLY! Manually set the percentage of bots on the specified team to defend. The attack percentage is calculated based off 100% - Defend%. If no arguments are specified, the current defend percents for each team will be printed. (Arguments) team: [#1-2] The team to set the defend percentage on, 1 is MCL, 2 is AFD. percent: [#0-100] The percentage of the specified team to have a defensive role. To use the role auto-director, specify a percent BELOW 0. (Examples) bot_si_defend bot_si_defend 2 60 bot_si_defend 1 -1 =========================================================================================== (Format) kickall Function: Kicks all bots from the game. (Arguments) None (Examples) kickall =========================================================================================== (Format) waypoint mainarg subarg1 subarg2 subarg3 Function: To edit waypoints! (Arguments) mainarg: [string] Performs a waypoint action, some use the sub arguments. See list: on: Turns on the display of waypoints. off: Turns off the display of waypoints. add: Creates a waypoint at the current location. delete: Removes the closest waypoint within 50 units. save Saves the current waypoint data to a grave bot waypoint (.gbw) file. load: Tries to load waypoints into this level. Will attempt to load HPB waypoints as well. distance: Gives the distance from one waypoint to another, must specify waypoint indexes as subarg2 and subarg3. subarg1: [#0-numwpts] The index of the first waypoint. subarg2: [#0-numwpts] The index of the second waypoint. menu: Brings up the waypoint menu. THIS DOES NOT WORK IN S&I! Use commands instead if editing waypoints in S&I. :( setflag: Sets a flag on a waypoint. team: Sets this waypoint as a team only waypoint. subarg2: [#1-2] Team number for team only. jump: Assigns that this waypoint is a jump waypoint. crouch: Assigns that this waypoint is a crouch waypoint. duckjump: Assigns that this waypoint is a duck jump waypoint. ladder: Assigns that this waypoint is a ladder waypoint. lift: Assigns that this waypoint is a lift waypoint. door: Assigns that this waypoint is a door waypoint. health: Assigns that this waypoint is a health waypoint. armor: Assigns that this waypoint is an armor waypoint. sniper: Assigns that this waypoint is a sniper waypoint. weapon: Assigns that this waypoint is a weapon waypoint. ammo: Assigns that this waypoint is an ammo waypoint. item: Assigns that this waypoint is an item waypoint. defend: Assigns that this waypoint is a defend waypoint. itemname: Specifies the associated classname with this waypoint. subarg2: [string] Classname to associate with. update: Searches near this waypoint for items. If any are found, sets this waypoint as an item waypoint and fills in its item name. clearflag: Clears a flag on a waypoint. If no sub argument is specified, it will clear all flags on the waypoint. See list: team: Clears that this waypoint is team only. jump: Clears that this waypoint is a jump waypoint. crouch: Clears that this waypoint is a crouch waypoint. duckjump: Clears that this waypoint is a duck jump waypoint. ladder: Clears that this waypoint is a ladder waypoint. lift: Clears that this waypoint is a lift waypoint. door: Clears that this waypoint is a door waypoint. health: Clears that this waypoint is a health waypoint. armor: Clears that this waypoint is an armor waypoint. sniper: Clears that this waypoint is a sniper waypoint. weapon: Clears that this waypoint is a weapon waypoint. ammo: Clears that this waypoint is an ammo waypoint. item: Clears that this waypoint is an item waypoint. defend: Clears that this waypoint is a defend waypoint. aim: Removes the closest aiming waypoint to this waypoint. itemname: Removes the associated classname with this waypoint. info: Displays information about the closest waypoint. update: Loops through all waypoints and attemps to associate them with nearby items. (Examples) waypoint on waypoint distance 4 36 waypoint update waypoint setflag team 2 waypoint setflag itemname weapon_shotgun waypoint clearflag jump =========================================================================================== (Format) autowaypoint boolean Function: Turns on or off autowaypointing, which automatically creates waypoints at the players position as long as they're far enough away from all othe waypoints. (Arguments) boolean: 0 for autowaypointing off, 1 for autowaypointing on. (Example) autowaypoint 1 =========================================================================================== (Format) pathwaypoint subarg Function: Allows the editing of paths between waypoints. (Arguments) subarg: [string] Specify a command to edit path data. See list: on: Turns the display of paths between waypoints on. off: Turns the display of paths between waypoints off. create1: Assigns the closest waypoint as the first waypoint to create a path between. create2: Assigns the closest waypoint as the second waypoint to create a path between. If a first waypoint is assigned, the path between the two will be created. remove1: Assigns the closest waypoint as the first waypoint to remove a path between. remove2: Assigns the closest waypoint as the second waypoint to remove a path between. If a first waypoint is assigned, the path between the two will be removed. (Examples) pathwaypoint on pathwaypoint create1 pathwaypoint create2 ===========================================================================================